Digital Magpie

Ooh, ooh, look - shiny things!

Windows XP Zip File Support

Windows XP, which I’m forced to use at work at the moment, normally treats Zip files as though they were folders, letting you view their contents in explorer. Unfortunately there are a number of problems with this feature: it can kill the performance of Java based apps which work on the files (a Java bug), and it can mangle any files in the Zips with long names or long paths (a Windows bug).

All is not lost however, to disable this behaviour simple open up a command prompt and run the following command: regsvr32 /u %windir%\system32\zipfldr.dll And, should you want to restore the original settings, just run the same command without the ‘u’ switch.

Custom Functions in BW Cannot Be in Final Classes

Or so it seems. According to Tibco support, when validating Java custom functions in Designer one of the things it checks is the access_flags in the class file (to ensure that the method is accessible).

Based on JVM class file spec the access flags should be either 0x21 (public) or 0x31 (public final); both of these values are fine but the validator rejects the latter. The good news however is that running the class in either the tester or in a deployed process engine works fine.

Update: I forgot to mention this, but the error message in the validator is “MISSING: Invalid java custom function..message”. Should help out searching via the Goog.


I’ve been away for a while, and now I’m back. In other news, I’ve moved back to the UK, to London again. More to follow…

Jython 2.2b1 Released

The first beta of Jython 2.2 has been released! Jyhon scripting is something that I’m planning to add to RvSnoop so I’m quite interested in this, especially given the current focus of development is making the codebase easier to understand for new developers, I’ve looked at it fairly recently and at the moment it’s quite a tangle!