Digital Magpie

Ooh, ooh, look - shiny things!

RvSnoop 356

A new development build of RvSnoop is available for downloading. This release contains all of the features that will be in the finished 1.6 release, due out sometime next week. Changes from the last development build include:

  • Added support for republishing on different connections.

  • Added column to ledger to display wire size of messages.

  • Fixed bug that caused republished messages to be filtered incorrectly from the subject hierarchy.

  • Fixed bug with ledger renderer which caused striping to break when columns were added/removed from the view.

  • Minor code clean-ups and removal of a couple of unused methods.

  • Updated the FAQs page with correct details of timestamp formatting in ledger (this hasn’t been pushed out to the public site yet).

The only things left to do now (assuming no new bugs are found) are some additional testing and documentation updates.

RvSnoop 353

A new development version of RvSnoop is now available for download. This version adds:

  • Saving and restoring messages between sessions.

  • Remove Connection as a context sensitive menu option.

  • Improved drag and drop support.

And also fixes some bugs involving the screen menu on Mac OS X. The save and restore messages option writes the selected records from the ledger to a ZIP based binary file format (it’s the same format that is used internally by the copy and paste mechanism). The format has also been enhanced to include subject information for the messages, as this is stripped out by the raw Rendezvous library calls.

30,000,000 Lines of Code? WTF?

Apparently (according to this) Mac Office is 30,000,000 lines of code, that’s a lot of code to try to keep bug free! Out of curiosity, I downloaded a utility to count lines of code and found that RvSnoop is only ~7,000 lines of code. That’s only counting non-comment lines, I don’t know how well commented the MS codebase is. Not that there’s any real comparison in functionality between the two of course!

Killing Capitals in iTunes

The latest version of iTunes has made several changes to the UI (again), most of them not for the better as can be read about here. Still, at least one of the annoyances, the use of all capitals for section headings in the source list, can be easily corrected. The section headings are stored as localizable strings in a resource file; so first shut down iTunes, then just open the /Applications/ in a text editor (e.g. TextMate) and search for the following lines:

"135.011" = "LIBRARY";
"135.012" = "DEVICES";
"135.013" = "STORE";
"135.014" = "PLAYLISTS";

these need changing to:

"135.011" = "Library";
"135.012" = "Devices";
"135.013" = "Store";
"135.014" = "Playlists";

or anything else that you like. Now when you restart iTunes it should all look better.

Update: You also want to change this line: "135.006" = "SHARED"; to this: "135.006" = "Shared";

1060 Comes of Age

A new version of 1060 NetKernel was released today, version 3.1. I had a brief play around with the previous release but never really had the time to dig into it too deeply. It always looked pretty neat though, a possible good solution to base adapter (in the Tibco sense) style components on. One of the advertised features of the new release is a newly written ‘Getting Started Guide’, so this may be a good opportunity to have another look.