Digital Magpie

Ooh, ooh, look - shiny things!

Word Press

As you can see the site now uses Word Press as it’s content management system. It’s going to take me a couple of days to getting around to fixing up the templates so that it looks the same as the rest of the pages here, but bear with me.

Entry Archives Broken

The individual entry archives seem to be screwed at the moment, since I’m planning to move over to using Word Press in a couple of days I’m not going to waste time trying to fix them right now.

Gimp UI Blooper

Why would the developers of Gimp want to offer LZW compression as an option in the save as tiff dialog of said application? When you try to select this it just whines about a patent issue and then the save fails. It seems to me that it would be far better to just not offer the option, or only offer the option when it can be fulfilled. Let’s hope that they’ll fix this in an upcoming release, it doesn’t seem like it would be much work for somebody alreay familiar with the code base.

SWT Look & Feel

Recently in the Eclipse news group there’s been a lot of complaints about the new widget style that is now the default in mlilestone 8.

Many people are saying that the new widgets are bad because they are emulated in Java, and not real native widgets at all. This seems really odd to me in some ways, since the widgets have always been emulated in Java, it’s not like this is some new thing that’s been sprung upon us by the developers. But then in other ways I’m not surprised, because for all Eclipse’s touted native look and feel it’s always really been a Windows application.

Compare the new Eclipse widgets with those of a native Gnome application (GEdit in this case) and you’ll see at once that they look out of place. But this has always been the case. The real solution surely, is to use genuine native widgets here. The only reason the Windows crowd are screaming now is that Eclipse is becoming more cross platform in it’s look and feel, not less.


Mark Pilgrim writes:

In short, the only way to use Gmail is the way that the Gmail designers use Gmail. The only way Gmail could be less accessible is if the entire site were built in Flash.

So with this and the associated privacy concerns, it looks like this could turn into a bit of a turkey.

Update: Boy, was I wrong on this!