Digital Magpie

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Clojure Evaluation

I’ve been loking at the early-access version of Manning’s forthcoming Clojure in Action book as well as some of the criticism of it. One of the complaints is that the current drafts describe macros as a run-time concept and that this is wrong. The confusion arises from the fact that Clojure (and Lisps in general) don’t follow the same path from source to execution as a more conventional programming languages like C and Java. I’ll compare four different languages to see how they differ: C, Java, a traditional Lisp compiler, and Clojure.

C Like Languages

This is what most people are used to, the traditional compiled language. Here, source code is read in and then parsed (this is normally broken out into multiple stages, e.g. a separate lexing stage, but for our purposes we can gloss over these details). The parser emits some form of intermediate representation, usually an abstract syntax tree (AST), this is then used by the compiler to generate executable code.

Again, this potentially glosses over some details: optimizers can world on the intermediate representation for example, or the compiler could require a separate linking stage to generate an executable. For our purposes though this is sufficient: we go from source to AST to executable. Also, it could be argued that the C pre-processor operates on the source code before the parser sees it, but in practice the C macros system is so primitive it doesn’t really warrant being called out as a separate stage.

Java Like Languages

The Java like languages differ from C in that they run on top of a virtual machine rather than being executed directly by the OS; as a reult their compiler emits ‘bytecode’ rather than a finished executable. This bytecode is then executed by the virtual machine. In all modern desktop and server virtual machines this is means just in time compiling the bytecode down to native machine code.

Traditional Lisps

The Lisp view of things is a little different; it’s more complicated but also more powerful. The first thing to note is that Lisp code is already basically in the form of an AST - there is no (or not much) syntax getting in the way. Next, there are 2 types of macros which are applied to Lisp code: macros and reader macros. I’ll duscuss them in the opposite order to the way they are applied…

The standard type of Lisp macros are what most people rave about when extolling the virtues of the language: these are chunks of code that are executed after the source has been loaded into an AST (remember, Lisp source code is basically in this form already, so this just involves moving from a textual representation to something that the Lisp runtime can work with). If a node in the AST is a macro then it is evaluated as the code is loaded and the result of the evaluation is used to replace the macro node in the AST.

Stop and think about that for a minute - this happens before the code is evaluated by the regular Lisp runtime, but yet at this point you already have access to the full Lisp programming language. All of this means that you can do some pretty cool tricks: how about writing your own control constructs? Writing a DSL compiler? Logging constructs that have zero runtime overhead when not used (but that can be switched on and off by users of the program, unlike #define DEBUG 0 in C)?

The second, and much less common, type of macro is the reader macro. Reader macros operate on the character stream as it is read in, before the AST is constructed. Basically, when the reader sees a specific character (usually #) it then looks at the next character and uses that as a key into a table of functions (the read table) that tell it how to handle future input. Using reader macros it’s possible to create DSLs that don’t use s-expression syntax (s-expressions are the paren enclosed lists that Lisp is (in)famous for); or do something as simple as allowing the use of brackets to write quoted lists without needing an explicit quote (i.e. writing [1 2 3] instead of '(1 2 3)).

Only once all of this has finished is a traditional lisp ready to let it’s compiler go to work turning the (now macro-free) AST into executable code.


Clojure is very similar to the traditional Lisp model, with two main differences. The first difference is the fact that, like Java, the output is bytecode which is then loaded and executed by a standard Java virtual machine.

The second difference is that while Clojure does have reader macros, the read table isn’t exposed to user programs; that is, while it operates in the same way as a traditional Lisp there is no way for user code to alter the behaviour of the reader. This is probably good thing as Clojure includes a relatively large number of predefined reader macros including a literal syntax for lists, sets, and maps, as well as lambda-expressions (anonymous functions) and metadata.


C and Java like languages have a huge amount of syntax baked in, but don’r provide any way to modify this or to manipulate the program before it is compiled. Lisp has almost no syntax but provides a mechanism for users to add their own, and provides a mechanism to manipulate programs before they are compiled.

Clojure has some syntax (more than other Lisps, but way less than C/Java/&c.) and provides the same mechanism for program manipulation as other Lisps. The OmniGraffle file for the images in this post is available here if anybody is interested.

Update: this post is intended to compare traditional C-style languages with Lisps, it doesn’t cover, for examples, so-called scripting languages such as Perl, Python, and Ruby.